Melbourne Early

Childhood Intervention

Melbourne Early Childhood Intervention

Inclusion Support

All children deserve to learn in an environment that is inclusive and oriented to their needs and their abilities. Our inclusion support services help children, families, and education staff build environments that are just that.

If you’re worried about your child’s inclusion in childcare, preschool, or school, our inclusion support services can help. By developing a meaningful relationship with your child, undertaking observations of them in their learning setting, and engaging in discussions with teachers and education staff, we work towards ensuring that your child is not only present in the learning environment and educational program, but included.

Inclusion support can cover many elements of your child’s learning and aims to provide your child with the support they need. That may be assisting with transitions across years; advising on educational strategies, goals, and the suitability of an educational service for your child; acting as an advocate in education-related decisions and meetings; working alongside other therapeutic services to ensure effective strategies are being implemented at school; or simply providing a voice for your child where they may struggle to be heard.

Our inclusion support services start off with a complimentary home visit conducted by an experienced early childhood teacher. This allows us to gain an understanding of your child and their needs, to begin building a relationship with them, and to learn about any challenges they may be facing at childcare, preschool, or school. Our services are most commonly funded through the NDIS, and we travel to families and educational services all across Melbourne.

To discuss our inclusion support services further and how it may be of benefit to your child, you can get in touch with us directly below: