Melbourne Early

Childhood Intervention

Melbourne Early Childhood Intervention

What We Do

Early education for neurodiverse children and children with a disability can be tough. Exclusionary practices, misunderstandings, and inequity can be all too common.

Melbourne Early Childhood Intervention is here to help. We offer specialised education support for children and their families to help build capacity in all areas of their lives. Our services include:

• Inclusion Support
• Transition Support
• Observations of Learning Environments
• Disability & Child Advocacy
• Assistance with coordinating and planning supports, including educational funding
• Specialist Support for educational staff to help meet a child's needs
• 1:1 Play Therapies in Early Childhood Settings

These early education supports are delivered by Dean, an experienced Early Childhood Teacher, and are NDIS fundable if such supports assist your child in achieving their NDIS goals. To learn more, you can contact us below: